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Q & A on the Teaching Arrangements

for International Students of College of Chinese & Asean Arts During the Period of Epidemic Prevention & Control

01. 国际学生入学工作安排

Arrangements for Admission of International Students


Q1: 何时可以返校?

When can I return to CDU?

A: 为做好新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控工作,切实保障全校师生身体健康和生命安全,学校已经下发关于2020年春季学期延期返校的通知,学院自2月24日起开展线上教学。具体返校时间一经确定,学院会及时发布相关通知,请各位同学等待班主任通知。

In order to do proficiently in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, and to effectively protect the health and life of teachers and students throughout the campus, Chengdu University has issued a notice on the postponed return in the first semester of 2020, and CCAA will launch online teaching from February 24th. The college will release relevant notices once the date of return is determined. Please wait for further notice.



What should I do if I need to postpone the registration after the date of return is determined?

A: 如申请延期报到,需向班主任提交延期报到申请并说明原因,经所在学院同意后方可延期报到。

In case of an extension of registration, student shall submit an application for extension to the class supervisor and explain the reasons. With both the consent from his / her college and the approval of the International Department, the extension can be carried out.


Q3: 休学、退学该如何办理?

What should I do for suspension and withdrawal?

A: 申请休学和退学的学生可向班主任申请《成都大学国际学生学籍处理意见表》电子版,填写表格后在班主任指导下按照规定程序办理。

Students who apply for suspension or withdrawal can download and complete the "Chengdu University International Student Status Opinion Form", hand to class supervisor, and follow the prescribed procedures under the guidance of class supervisor.  


Q4: 本期的奖学金如何领取?

 How do I get the scholarship of this term?

A: 奖学金会在春季学期学生返校后统一发放。

Scholarships for registered students will be issued after students return to CDU in the spring semester.


Q 5: 我如何办理证件延期?

How do I apply for a visa extension?

A: 证件延期咨询与办理,请与班主任老师联系。

For the consultation and application for the extension of the visa, please contact your class supervisor.


02. 国际学生教学工作

Teaching Arrangements for International Students


Q6: 国际学生汉语线上课程上课的具体时间?


What is the time of online Chinese courses for international students?

A: 国际学生于2月24日开始正式线上授课,汉语老师将通过班级微信群发布课程表和课程具体安排及要求。

The online teaching will be started on February 24 for the international students. The Chinese teachers will release the curriculum schedule, specific arrangement and requirements of the courses through Wechat group of each class.


Q7: 正式返校前,主要通过什么方式进行课程学习?

What is the main channel to learn the course during the epidemic?

A: 延期返校期间,国际学生汉语课程将采用网络学习等方式开展教学,具体包括:



During the epidemic period, the courses for international students will be taught by means of online learning, including:

Recorded lectures: Teachers record lecture videos or course materials with audio commentary in advance, and upload them to the network platform according to the timetable. Students independently attend to watch the videos and learn.

Online Q&A: Teachers will complete teaching activities such as group discussion, tutoring and answering and supervision, by means of Wechat group, online Q&A, etc. Students will conduct online learning independently, participate in discussion, submit assignments, and complete learning tasks according to the requirements of teachers.


Q8: 网络学习资源都是在超星学习通吗?还会有哪些教学平台?

Are all the online learning resources available through Chaoxing (超星学习通)? What are the other teaching platforms?

A: 汉语教师的授课资源主要集中在超星学习通。也有教师可能会利用其他网络平台,汉语老师会及时向同学们发布各门课程网络平台使用安排,如有疑问请及时联系老师。

The Chinese teaching resources will be mainly concentrated in Chaoxing (超星学习通); however, some teachers may also use other online platforms. If you have any questions, please contact your Chinese teacher.


Q9: 我如何查看教师的课程安排,并参与课程学习?

How can I view the teacher's curriculum and participate in the course learning?

A: 汉语老师将通过班级微信群发布课程表和课程具体安排及要求。

The Chinese teacher will release the curriculum schedule and specific arrangement and requirements of each online course through the class Wechat group.


Q10: 我这里上网条件不好,无法按照课表时间登陆超星学习通学习怎么办?

My Internet connection is not good. What should I do if I have difficulty participating in Chaoxing Learning?

A: 老师会按照课表时间上传讲课视频,学生需在老师上传视频后的24小时内观看视频,进行汉语学习并完成作业。

The teacher will upload the lecture video according to the timetable. Students need to watch the video within 24 hours after the teacher uploads the video to learn Chinese and complete the homework.


How can I study without text books?

A: 前三个星期的课主要是复习加HSK练习。所以大家没有书也没关系,老师会把PPT和练习题上传到超星学习通。

The contents in the first three weeks are mainly revision and HSK practice. Therefore it is not a case if you do not have a text book in your possession. The teachers will upload slides and exercises.


Q12: 我有课程需要补考和缓考,应该怎么办理?

If I have postponed and make-up examinations, what should I do?

A: 补考、缓考工作待返校后,学院再另行安排。

Examinations will be delayed and rearranged by the college after students returning to CDU.


03. 研究生学位论文与学位授予相关工作

The Related Work of Thesis and Degree Granting for International Students


Q13: 正式返校前,我的毕业论文如何才能得到有效指导?

How can I get effective guidance on my thesis during the deferred return?

A: 学校要求论文指导老师采取远程指导的方式,对毕业论文进展情况予以指导,建议同学主动与论文指导老师通过电话、电子邮件、微信等方式进行交流。如不清楚论文指导教师联系方式等,请及时联系专业班主任老师。

The University requires the tutor to use remote guidance to direct the progress of the dissertation. It is recommended that students actively communicate with the tutor by phone, email, etc. If you do not know the contact information of the tutor, please contact your class instructor in time.


Q14: 因延期返校,2020年6月的毕业及学位授予工作安排是否有变化?

Due to the delay in returning to school, are there any changes to the graduation and degree-granting arrangements in June 2020?

A: 学校将视情况适当调整学位审议时间,尽最大可能避免对同学们后续深造或就业安排造成影响。请今年6月即将毕业的同学继续推进学位论文工作,学院和论文指导老师会为大家提供有力的支持和指导。

The University will adjust the time of degree granting according to the situation, so as to avoid the impact on students' further study or employment arrangement. Students who will graduate this June are requested to continue their dissertation work. The college and tutor will provide you with strong support and guidance.



 Due to the delay in returning to school, how can I prepare proposal of dissertation?

A: 学院会根据返校时间重新通知论文预答辩时间,请返校后及时联系专业班主任老师。

According to the time of return, the college will notify the time of proposal. Please contact the class instructor in time.


04. 其他



Q16: 我的问题不在以上问题里,该怎么办?

If my question is not among the above questions, what should I do?

A: 请与班主任进行联系解答。我院也会对于共性问题完善问答内容并及时发布。

Please contact your class supervisor for answers. College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts will also actively improve the Q&A content for common problems and release it in time.



